I really don't understand why every year for the past years they bother making a Big Thing about the Grammy's like it's something great? A great Happening ? NOT !!! The GRAMMYS for the past 20 years or so Sucks. Why? The Music Sucks. It's really sad, that for the past 25 Years or so the Music is So Damn Bad. It's really incredible and quite unbelievable that after such great music being produced in the 50s, 1960s, 70s, and even into the 80s, that the music has gotten so bad. More than Bad actually, it quite literally Sucks, with a bunch of Mediocre so-called talent, "I hesitate to call it talent, if we're lucky maybe 2% of all the performers that the masses think are talented, but they quite literally SUCK ! People like Taylor Swift, John Legend, Kanye West, Justine Timberlake and all the rest put at Crappy Music. I just don't get it? All these people are quite medicare in their so-called talent (NOT !). All these people; Timberlake, Taylor Swift, John Legend and all the other horrible musical performers of the present would have been laughed off the stage. In fact they never even would have made to the stage in the days of Johnny Carson and The Tonight Show, The Ed Sullivan SHow and the likes. The talent scouts of days passed, if people like John Legend, Swif, Kanye, and Timberlake ever went to the talent scouts and producers of The Ed Sullivan Show, The TOnight Show, Playboy After Dark, Sammy & Company, The Dean martin Show, Sonny & Cher, and the like, the producers would laugh in John Legends face. His music is awful. John Legend, Justine Timebrlake, and Kanyne West are oh so lucky, as they are all Multi Millions, and the produce garbage, Well I guess it's a result of a large part of the American population having such horrible taste, or no taste at all. This is the only explanation that I could figure out why all this crappy noise that they call music, that's devoid of any rhythm, rhyme, or reason, or any melody at all. I'm mystified, when we had all the great R&B, POP, Standards, and ROCK n' ROLL MUSIC of the 50s, 1960s, 70s, and 80s, and the so-called music just became so shitty and is accepted by the tasteless population of AMerica. It's really sad.
So why is CBS making such of a Big Deal about the Grammys when it is going to be Horrible like it has been for the past 10 years? I don't get it. Is this somebody's sick sense of humor, a Joke? Why take away all the great music like, Rock, R&B, and POP music, really great stuff. Music that has stood the test of time, unlike the SHIT that they (Taylor, Justin, Kanye, John Legend, and ???). This is a Sick Joke created by people in the music business? Record Company Execs and what not? "I don't get the Joke? Am I missing something people. Why have they done? Why have they STOPPED Making GREAT MUSIC? Why do they put out Crap Noise now? Does anyone have an answer? Please let us all in on the joke, and please bring back Rock, R&B, and great POP Music and get rid of all the God Awful HIP HOP RAP SHIT and Crappy so-called alternative Rock. "Alternative to what, the great Rock Music of the 60s and 70s. What's the point? Why not make great music like before? Where's Jerry Wexler and Clive Davis when you need them"
"HELP" !!!
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